Diagnostic Imaging Clinical and Faculty Training


Patient Safety is critical in healthcare and is one of the key pillars of Lean methodology is to improve quality and safety of patient care. To improve the care delivery through improved patient safety practices, we incorporated Best Practices Modules for Infection Prevention and Control for Clinical Office Practice.

Infection Prevention and Control for Clinical Office Practice

Legislation relating to Infection Prevention and Control Practices in the Clinical Office

Staff Education and Training

Transmission of Microorganisms in Clinical Office Settings

Routine Practices

Additional Precautions

Medications, Vaccines Skin Antisepsis

Control of the Environment

Reprocessing Medical Equipment

Surgical/Invasive Procedures

Administrative Controls

The training assists in helping to develop your own quality management program that would act as a guide for assessing the quality of patient care provided in all your facilities. In developing these Clinical Practice Parameters, the objective is to create a range of appropriate options for given clinical situations, based on the available research data and the best professional consensus.

Working Plan:

In developing these Clinical Practice Parameters, the objective is to create a range of appropriate options for given clinical situations, based on the available research data and the best professional consensus.

Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety Act

Infection Prevention and Control in Clinical Settings

CPSO – Clinical Practice Parameters and Facility Standards for Diagnostic Imaging

Canadian Standards Association CSA Z8000 Health Care Facility Design, Accessability Act

Updates and Changes to Bill 160, Strengthening Quality and Accountability Act

Updates to Medical Radiation and Imaging Technology Act, 2017

Proposed Training Modules:

Introduction to Infection Prevention and Control

a. Hands-on Transducers HLD and handling
b. Mobile ultrasound operations: Caring, handling and disinfection
c. Proper documentation of procedures

Modes of transmission

Routine Practice and Additional Precautions

Hand Hygiene practices

Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization of Medical Equipment/Devices and Space

Storage of clean and sterile supplies

Cleaning, disinfection and storage of ultrasound probes

Reprocessing and sterilization of reusable devices

Acute respiratory illness surveillance

Introduction to Occupational health and safety

Blood and body fluid spill response

Additional Services:

Developing your clinic's Standard Operating Procedures Manual in Infection control and prevention.

Develop and deliver yearly education sessions for staff with all the necessary updates

Send notification alerts at the beginning of the Flu season and/or emerging communicable diseases.

Trainers Relevant Experience:

Nurse Practitioner and Infection Prevention and Control Specialist with over 10 Years Hospital Experience in:

Diagnostic Imaging, Ultrasound department

Diagnostic Imaging, Vascular Suit

Diagnostic Imaging, Angiography Suit

Diagnostic Imaging, MRI

Ambulatory Surgical Clinic

Operating Room Procedures